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Hiring A Truck Driver: Tips and Challenges


The recruitment of truck drivers comes with several aspects. In order to know whether the driver is perfect for the job, you need to consider a few things. For, without strong and able recruiters, the jobs of truck drivers would remain empty or be filled with untrained drivers, which can be worst for the business. 

So by looking at the challenges that truck driver recruiters face, here a few things that must be considered while hiring one:


  • Shortage of drivers

This is perhaps the most common challenge that the industry face and enticing potential drivers with something that the top carriers do not have, is a real tough job.

  • Budget allocation

Since the carriers want a wide approach in order to reach out to the best drivers, there are numerous channels today for recruiting and this requires a certain amount of money. The problem with this is that investing in recruiting methods that are ineffective can lead to great losses. 

A recruiter can hence make use of the following tips for hiring an eligible truck driver

  • Practical skills interview

Having the candidate drive for you during the interview can help you understand his skills, his way of driving, and his presence of mind. Apart from this, you can also know if the driver knows how to hook up air lines, hook or unhook a trailer without any difficulty. The basic skills are thus important and can be tested during the first or second round of interviews where the driver will have to display his best skills to get the job. 

  • Evaluation during the job

For an emploi conducteur chariot recruitment, you can also have a transportation manager follow the driver without the driver’s knowledge. This can be a very effective method of evaluating the driver. 

  • Have a driver interview a driver

Who can be the best person to recruit a driver than an old driver. A driver who has already been recruited and is experienced can always tell what kind of a person the candidate is. This will not only save your time but you will be able to get an insight into the driver’s personality and his skills as well. 

Hiring experienced, skilled, and dedicated drivers, at a reasonable cost, in a market where there exists a scarcity of drivers, is quite a difficult task but expert recruiters can ace it with their research and knowledge. 

