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Importance of Hand Washing in Maintaining Your Health


Of all the precautionary measures and safety protocols that are advisable by health professionals and scientists worldwide, handwashing proves to be one of the best options owing to its efficacy. Infectious diseases and viruses spread the most when one infected person comes in contact with another. Infections and risks such as salmonellosis, influenza, and coronavirus are spread from contaminated hands. Thorough washing of hands using soap and water can curb the spread of bacteria and viruses to a large extent.

Here are some reasons explaining the importance of handwashing in keeping your health in the best shape.

Washing Your Hands, The Right Way

  • Use clean water to wet your hands.
  • Get rid of all kinds of rings, bracelets, watches, and other accessories that you might be wearing on your hand before starting to wash.
  • Work up the antibacterial soap lather on your hands for about 20 seconds on every smallest surface of your hands, in-between the fingers, wrists, nail cuticles, etc.
  • Rub your hands across all the hand surfaces thoroughly.
  • Rinse your hands well under the clear, running water, and make sure to remove every bit of the soap traces.
  • Dry your hands with the help of a towel, or you can also choose to air-dry.

When Should You Wash Your Hands?

Handwashing frequently is one of the important personal hygiene habits that one must adhere to every day and every time. It is always advisable to wash your hands after you have come back from a public place or when you have been in contact with a surface that was touched by several other people. Wash your hands whenever you touch items like shopping trolleys, cash registers, trash cans, doorknobs, etc. Also, hand washing is important before you sit to have your food or before you start cooking.

Other times when you should be washing your hands are:

  • After using the restroom
  • After helping your child change their diapers
  • Before you change your contact lenses
  • After either blowing your nose, coughing, or even sneezing
  • Before taking in your medicines
  • Before engaging in a sexual activity
  • Before administering first-aid to someone
  • After handling money and coins
  • After using the public transport
  • After coming into contact with a surface in a public area.

Ensure To Use a Soap When Washing Hands

Washing hands with an antibacterial soap has been seen to reduce and kill the disease-causing factors than washing hands under plain water. If you see normal soaps harming your skin, causing irritation, or making your skin dry, you can always turn to liquid hand wash gels or soaps. 

Soap vs. Sanitizers: Which is Better and Why?

While alcohol-based hand sanitizers have shown their efficacy in battling against major viruses, including coronavirus, they aren’t effective for gastroenteritis. Hence, to protect yourself fully from all kinds of diseases and germs, it is better to trust handwashing with soap and water than using hand sanitizers.

The habit of handwashing must begin early and should be inculcated amongst kids to help them stay safe and free from all kinds of sickness. To ensure your children and your family dwells in good health, make frequent handwashing a part of your daily hygiene habit. 
