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Various Kinds of Malware and How They Harm Computers and Software


Despite their common name, malware is not the same as viruses or spyware. Instead, malware is a type of software used by cybercriminals to infect computers and steal sensitive data. The victim typically activates these programs through a click or file download. By learning how malware works, you can better protect your computer. Read on to learn more about common types of malware and how they affect systems.


Viruses and spyware are the most common forms of malware. They can erase data on your computer, hijack your computer to attack other systems, or host illegal content. Malware can also be in adware, which serves pop-up advertisements while you’re online. Another form of malware, keyloggers, tracks your keystrokes and email content. Depending on how they are spread, you could be the next victim of the malware.

Malvertising is another type of malware. These programs mimic legitimate ads and redirect your browser to sites that will make you buy a product. Sometimes these ads contain malicious code, making them a prime target for hackers. Malvertising attacks are often complicated to detect since they can use legitimate advertisements to deliver malicious code. This type of malware makes devices easy to hack, and it can record and collect personal information about you.


There are many different types of malware. Viruses are the most common, but there are also worms and bots. These malicious programs infect computers by embedding code into regular files and programs. Infected email attachments, USB drives, and websites are the most common sources of these infections. For example, a computer virus can harm hard drives and corrupt files. On the other hand, Worms are spread by network traffic without any end-user action, and they can quickly infect other computers and software.

There are several types of malware, and the latest ones are particularly dangerous. Malware may come in many forms and is constantly evolving. Viruses do not replicate themselves, but they can be combined with worms and other malicious software to do the same thing.

Trojan horses

Trojan horse is another type of malware that enters the system disguised as a harmless file. These are particularly dangerous because they can remain undetected for months. Once inside, this malware then gives cybercriminals access to the system. The malware may then steal data, lock the system, or display messages to pay the ransom. The most common telltale signs of a Trojan virus are sudden changes in the settings of your computer, a drop in performance, and unusual activity. One Trojan that you should watch out for is Tiny Banker, a computer virus that allows hackers to steal financial details. It was discovered after infecting at least 20 banks in the U.S. The best way to protect your computer from Trojan infections is by installing a malware scanner or malware removal software.


Keyloggers are software applications that spy on users’ activities and collect sensitive data. They often arrive disguised as useful apps. It can be undetectable, allowing cybercriminals to use them to access private information and steal sensitive data without the users’ knowledge once they are installed. So how do we protect ourselves from keyloggers? To detect keyloggers on your computer, the first thing you should do is check the startup tab. If the programs do not seem necessary, you can remove them from the list. However, if they do not appear on the Startup tab, you should disable them. Moreover, you can also disable the programs running on your computer. This will prevent keyloggers from spying on your activities.


Ransomware is a form of malicious software that encrypts the user’s files and information to extract a ransom in exchange for a decryption key. Once the file has been encrypted, the attacker can only access it with the ransom key. This virus will display a ransom message and ask the victim to pay a certain amount of money in bitcoin. The first ransomware attack was a form of crypto virology, and it was developed by Adam Young and Moti Yung at the 1996 IEEE Security and Privacy conference. They used a Trojan horse virus to extort funds from victims. The attackers would then ask the victim to send a payment to PC Cyborg Corp. for a decryption key.
