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Tips When Learning The Guitar


Whether you like classical, rock or jazz, the guitar is the ideal instrument to learn as it can be used for all these genres and more. And the guitar is one of the easiest instruments to learn, although like any instrument, it takes practice to become proficient.

One of the most important first steps when learning guitar is to find the instrument that’s best for you; the range of different guitars available can often be overwhelming. In general, it’s physically easier to learn an electric guitar, as the softer strings won’t hurt your fingers as much. But of course, it all depends on the type of music you want to play, and an acoustic guitar may be the best choice for you.

As with learning anything new, it’s important to learn at your own pace when learning guitar, and to not try to get ahead of yourself. Focusing on a specific goal, such as learning and mastering certain chords, before moving onto something else is what many experts will advise. You’ll also want to practice, and setting aside a designated window of time to practice is the best way to stay consistent. For most people, an hour a day spent practicing is a reasonable plan, and practicing regularly is more effective than practicing occasionally and spending more time at it.

Although you actually want to play your guitar, remember that the theoretical side is just as important when learning guitar. Learning about notes and the relationship between notes and your guitar strings is important, as is understanding how the fretboard works. It’s much easier to learn the guitar and have a better understanding of how it all works once you understand the theory behind it. Listening to guitar music played by some of the greats lest you appreciate their skill, as well as appreciate different playing styles.

Staying motivated is important when learning guitar, and setting short term and realistic goals can help. If you know someone else who is taking up the guitar as well and you both have the same sort of skill level, comparing notes and offering encouragement can help. And there are plenty of groups, chat rooms and forums online where you can communicate with other guitarists, ask questions, have your playing critiqued, or simply vent as needed.

With guitar lessons typically costing between $30 and $60 an hour, you may be wondering if you really need them when learning guitar. It’s definitely beneficial to be taught by someone who is experienced and competent and can make sure you learn the correct way. And many of us simply learn more quickly when we have someone else actually showing us what to do and correcting mistakes. These days, there are plenty of online and virtual learning options, so the question of lessons is really a matter of personal choice and budget. Keep in mind, you’ll need at least several lessons, and it’s also recommended to have lessons from someone experienced in the genre you are interested in, whether classical or rock.
