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Pages Disappear And Reappear On Google: Are You Sitting On Google’s Quality Threshold?


Google, as a search engine, has grown into a monopoly giant as far as search engines are concerned and is the sole rule-maker and quality- control in place. Because if the high volume of searches conducted on Google by people from all walks of life, it becomes a bigger issue of being the ultimate authority over any and all topics under the sun. If you don’t know something, just Google it. And we usually trust the answers and the information it provides, blindly.

To stay authentic and trustworthy when it comes to the accuracy of the information, Google keeps checking and rechecking the websites that display this information from time to time. It maintains a standard that needs to be met authentically by the website, if it wishes to list itself under Google’s surveillance. This process of crawling through the web space and indexing the websites is something that concerns any and all SEO service providers.

Recently on Twitter, Google’s Gary Illyes addressed some concerns regarding web pages that get dropped from Google’s search results but reappear as soon as they are added manually to the indexing. These scenarios, according to him, mean only one thing- that these pages exist at the threshold of Google’s quality standards. They are not sufficient in authority for Google to include them strongly while indexing, but aren’t too weak so as to get scrapped altogether.So, they end up doing a disappearing act and reappearing after a manual submission.

If this has been happening to one of your pages, take it as a sign to let an SEO step in and fix the issue for you. It could be happening due to one of these reasons:

  • You haven’t updated the information/ content on the web page for too long.
  • There are no/ very few keywords present in the web page.
  • The content is irrelevant/ incomplete.
  • The web page lacks links and/or has faults in the web design.
  • Google’s algorithm has changed for indexing and the web page no longer meets the parameters.

You could also take some of our recommendations to make temporary fixes that will help your web page index better, as given below:

  • Update the content of your web page by adding or editing out information.
  • Add keywords and meta data, using long-tailed keywords at appropriate places.
  • Check whether the content of your webpage is relevant to the latest research or not.
  • Add external as well as internal authentic links to boost trustworthiness amongst the viewers.
  • Check and re check Google’s updates for indexing parameters to see what changes you need to bring in your web page to rank organically well on Google.

Google keeps the bar high when it comes to authentic information. This is done to encourage dependability of the viewers who view it as the one-stop solution for their day-to-day problems. Your web page, web design and optimization strategies should be at a harmony with the search engine’s status to bank on the visibility radar of the viewers.
