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Know When you Need a Child Custody Attorney


Regulations pertaining to child custody and visitation vary by state. Some of these regulations are complicated and require an expert who has the experience and has your children’s best interest in mind. This is the reason you must work with an Andrew Heft child custody law expert. This expert will make sure you and your ex-spouse will have a good parenting plan you can religiously stick to. 

When to Hire a Child Custody Attorney

A custodial parent has many steps to take before they can get child support. Usually, deciding on custody and the amount of support the other spouse should pay can turn into an ugly fight. Child custody lawyers can help ensure the proceedings go as smoothly as possible. 

For the non-custodial parent, the lawyer can represent their interests when establishing paternity and determining the amount of child support payments they must pay. In a lot of states, parents are required to make a parenting plan that outlines the details for visitation and custody. Because this can be an emotional experience, you should have legal advice when making these important decisions that will impact your family for many years.

Should you Consider Mediation?

Mediation can help you save money and time and avoid a long court battle. A mediator can act as a buffer between you and your spouse. You should consider mediation when you have a custody or visitation dispute. 

When you consider mediation, you and your spouse will meet with a neutral third-party who will help you come to an agreement in the best interests of your kids. They are often familiar with the court’s expectations and can help you draft a parenting plan that the court will approve.

Finding an Attorney or Mediator

You can easily find mediators through community mediation programs, arbitration organizations, and court mediation programs. The mediators you can find in the civil court system are trained and certified as mediation experts and are usually the most qualified to handle these cases. 

But, the most significant priority in your child custody case is to find a great lawyer. You can begin your search online or ask some people you know. Also, if you attend a local support group, ask members who may have been through a similar situation. Choose a lawyer who specializes in child custody and family law matters. The majority of lawyers provide a free initial consultation you can use to ask questions regarding your case. 
