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Hazards of Smoking On Your Teeth


Everyone close to you has told you to stop smoking, and you have finally decided to listen. Everyone in your life, from your closest friends and family to your once-a-year doctor, has warned you about the dangers of smoking. The negative impact that smoking has on one’s dental health is something that gets less attention. A beautiful smile requires regular care, including brushing, flossing, and dental checkups at a dentist in Fort Myers, FL.

The Risks to Your Oral and General Health from Smoking

When you smoke, you damage your entire body, including the mouth. It kills millions annually and is the most significant cause of preventable mortality worldwide.

  • A greater danger of developing oral cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 70,000 chemicals. More than 7,000 of these chemicals have been linked to cancer. Tobacco usage has been linked to the development of oral cancer in 75–90% of cases.

  • Increased risk of gum disease and bone resorption

The use of tobacco products is a significant contributor to gum (periodontal) illness. Inflammation of the gums and supporting bone tissue can lead to tooth loss from gum disease. Gum disease can erode bone, weakening your teeth’s foundation in extreme situations.

  • Cavities and tooth decay

A diet high in carbs and sugars and not practicing good oral hygiene significantly contribute to tooth decay.

Cavities, or dental caries, are caused by a kind of bacteria called Streptococcus mutans, often found in the mouth. Holes are more severe in those who smoke a lot of cigarettes. Tobacco use has been linked to tooth decay because nicotine promotes the growth of microorganisms responsible for tooth disease.

  • Yellowing and discoloration of teeth

Teeth can get discolored in two ways: naturally (intrinsic) and artificially (extrinsic).

Dentin discoloration is the result of an intrinsic stain. Possible causes include childhood tooth injury, excessive fluoride intake, certain antibiotics, and the use of tetracycline by your mother during pregnancy.

Discoloration of the tooth’s enamel, dentin, or cementum is extrinsic staining. Coffee, red wine, and other foods high in pigment can do this.

When you smoke, your teeth are more easily dried and worn down. Intrinsic yellowing occurs due to this premature “aging” of the tooth structure. Extrinsic staining can also be caused by nicotine, tar, and other cigarette compounds.

  • Stinky mouth

Anyone can feel embarrassed by their bad breath. The breath of a smoker is very noticeable.

Dry mouth from smoking is a known cause of foul breath. Plaque, dead cells, and other debris need to be removed regularly, and here is where saliva comes in.
