7 Day Diet Program For Quick Weight Loss

Weight loss is a long-term goal. However, you might want to lose weight around certain areas quickly to look great for an event or fast-track your fitness program. Here is one diet that can achieve this. This diet incorporates potato varieties as a source of carbs.
Each day carbohydrates, oil, and proteins are constant. The daily caloric intake is around 1400 cal. But you can calculate for your meals to make sure you are burning far more calories than you consume daily.
- Day One
- Breakfast: 2 slices of toast with a half spread of peanut butter, a cup of tea, or coffee. You can eat a slice of any fruit afterward.
- Lunch: 400 g of baked Potato pie with a sauce of carrot, green beans, green pepper, and onions. A cup of freshly squeezed orange or pineapple juice.
- Dinner: A quarter tuna together with spinach soup and a cup of fruit salad.
- Day Two
- Breakfast: One slice of toast, a cup of coffee, and orange juice. You may add one boiled egg.
- Lunch: Two pieces of boiled potatoes with sautéed tomato sauce and one large apple.
- Dinner: A slice of smoked salmon and large slices of watermelon.
- Day Three
- Breakfast: A slice of baked potato pie and a cup of coffee
- Lunch: A quarter cup of brown rice, steamed spinach sauce, and orange juice
- Dinner: A thigh of roast chicken with broccoli.
- Day Four
- Breakfast: Half cup of beans and steamed spinach.
- Lunch: Half tuna, two Irish potatoes, and a cup of juice
- Dinner: Fruit salad and 100 g of peanut
- Day Five
- Breakfast: A slice of brown bread, two tablespoons of peanut butter. A cup of coffee.
- Lunch: 4 Bananas and 100 g of peanut. A cup of orange juice.
- Dinner: Slice of chicken breast and green beans
- Day Six
- Breakfast: 1 slice of yam, a tablespoon of peanut butter.
- Lunch: Half cup of beans and lettuce, a cup of tuna.
- Dinner: Deboned chicken breast and a slice of watermelon
- Day Seven
- Breakfast: Coffee or tea with hard-boiled egg.
- Lunch: Fresh fish sauce with a slice of bread and orange juice
- Dinner: Fruit salad.
The inclusion of the potato varieties as a source of carbohydrate is for three reasons:
- Potatoes are good sources of dietary fiber. Fiber is a vital part of a weight loss diet.
- Potatoes contain important nutrients.
- Potatoes are great carbs.
This 7-day diet should be accompanied with daily exercise to achieve the maximum result. Exercises can be anything from intense cardio sessions to moderate weight training.