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6 best nutrients to feed your eyes


Your overall health includes your eyes too. But, many people tend to take things lightly when it comes to their ocular health. If you are also one of them, take care of your eyes while there is still time.

Unlike your physical health, your eye health doesn’t need you to break a sweat at the gym lifting weights. You can start small by taking baby steps. One of the things that make a great difference in how well your eyes perform is your diet.

We are what we eat. This statement is also true for your peepers. The food on your plate can be blamed for vision problems. Taking the right nutrients that grease your eye muscles will help in ensuring optimum ocular health.

Here are the 7 best nutrients that are blessings for your eyes.

Vitamin A

The deficiency of vitamin A is one of the leading causes of blindness in people. This vitamin is crucial for the light-sensing cells and if you don’t consume enough of it, get ready for visual problems such as night blindness or dry eyes. The condition can also be more serious depending on the deficiency.

While animal-derived foods are the best source to get a punch of vitamin A in your diet, you can also take it from plant-based carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables. Vegans can increase the intake of kale, spinach and carrots in their diets.

Lutein and zeaxanthin

These yellow carotenoids are found in the macula (the central part of the retina). These antioxidants are important for your macular health and are a natural way to block the UV rays. These are also said to block the harmful blue light that damages the photoreceptors on your retina.

However, we don’t know how true the blue light blocking claim is. But, if you spend a significant amount of time in front of digital screens, you should think about buying a good-quality pair of blue light glasses. They will filter out the bad lights emitting from your digital devices and prevent macular degeneration.

Spinach, parsley, pistachios, red grapes and green peas are some foods that are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin.

Omega-3 fatty acids

DHA and EPA, the two most prominent omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for your eye health. DHA is an active part of your retina and helps in the proper functioning of the eye. In infants, this nutrient helps in brain and eye development.

EPA and DHA are good for people with dry eye syndrome as they help in the formation of tear fluids. They will bring relief from the symptoms of dry eye and you may not even need artificial tears.

The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily fishes such as sardines, mackerel, tuna and tuna. Try to incorporate these nutrients into your diet. If you are vegetarian, you can go for omega-3 supplements.

Vitamin C

The concentration of vitamin C is found in high amounts in the outermost part of the eye. While antioxidants are important for your overall health, your eyes probably need them the most. The absence or deficiency of vitamin C can even lead to premature cataracts.

While antioxidants have significant benefits for your eyes, it is not scientifically proven whether they work equally well when taken in the form of supplements.

The best way to know about your eye health is by taking an eye test. If you are entitled to a free eye test by NHS, go and have one.

Vitamin E

It is important for your skin and eyes. It prevents harmful oxidation of the fatty acids in your retina. Severe deficiency of vitamin E may even lead to retinal degeneration or blindness.

Vegetable oils, sunflower seeds and almonds are the most common sources of vitamin E. One study also suggests that taking approx 7mg of vitamin E daily brings down your risk of cataracts by 6%. Those who aren’t deficient won’t have any extra benefits from this vitamin.


Zinc is an active part of your eyes. It contains an important enzyme called superoxide dismutase. It is an antioxidant that helps in the formation of visual pigments inside your retina and its deficiency can trigger night blindness.

If you already have night blindness, you need corrective glasses. You first need to have an eye test and get your prescription. You can take it to an optical store or buy good-quality cheap glasses online.

A healthy lifestyle is a secret to a disease-free life. Make sure all the nutrients mentioned in this list are present in your diet. Getting all of these nutrients will keep your eyes functioning well and may even delay the occurrence of age-related eye diseases.

Author Bio: I am Jaylin. I am an online marketing consultant, writer, freelancer and blogger. Also i am social media Influencer who loves Fashion ideas, beauty Brands, photography, and Travelling. Email id:

